Hide & Seek Workshop & Happy Valentine’s Day

Wow. What a weekend! We met 7 INCREDIBLE women at our Hide & Seek: The Keys to Finding Something Found Workshop. We shared ideas, swapped stories, talked about misconceptions, and helped pave the way for killer new vintage rentals businesses to pop up in 6 cities around the US. Get ready America; vintage rentals are coming your way and they are going to be rad!

We’ll share more details from the weekend tomorrow. In the meantime, if you want to join us for our next Hide & Seek Workshop, hop to it. We only have a couple spots left for March 5th & 6th (with no plans to offer another workshop in 2011). If you are starting a vintage rental business and want to learn how we did it here at Found Vintage Rentals, please apply. We’ll be closing registration for good on Friday but we may be full before then. We would love for you to join us!

On a completely different note, Happy Valentine’s Day! We love celebrating LOVE with our clients. Enjoy this image from Rachel & Albert’s wedding (with our Dean Chalkboards). We’ll share more great images from Sargeant Photography later this week.

