Want Vintage Style? We’ll Bring It.

Many of our clients know that we offer fabulous vintage furniture and accessories for weddings and event rentals. Only those in-the-know are also enlightened about our styling services.

In general, we have three kinds of clients: those who know exactly what they want, those who want suggestions, and those who want us to take their vision and run with it. The clients who know what they want call us up and ask about “this couch, that table… put in on a truck and bring it as fast you can.” Others want our suggestions for their “vintage-meets-Jane Austen-meets-Kung Fu-meets-London-meets….” lounge area. We’re quick to pull out our best pieces that would fit right in.

That third group of brides and party-throwers want a little extra help so they ask us to style their vintage rentals. We’ll come on over, bring a hot glue gun, a thousand vintage keys, or frames-to-die-for and whip up a masterpiece. We don’t do flowers. We don’t bake cakes. We don’t want to step on the toes of your incredible coordinator, designer or event stylist. But if you want your vintage vignette to be extra special, we’ll make it happen (and hopefully blow your mind in the process).

To give you a taste of what I mean, check out this sweet little vignette we put together for the Hitched event. Our already-wonderful doors and architectural pieces were made oh-so-much-better with the addition of artfully placed fabric rosettes. We handmade the flowers (with a combo of new & vintage fabric and buttons) and created the composition on-site.

As you ponder how you can use pieces from our vintage collection at your next event, we’re happy to put together an order with just the pieces you know you want, suggest some options based on the feel of your event, or go the extra mile with some additional styling. Just let us know how we can help.
