{Baby Shower}

Angel Swanson. How do I describe someone so wonderfully awesome? I have known her for less than a year, but someone I hope to have in my life forever. She makes me smile. Maybe it is because she is so incredibly calm, or maybe it is because she is able to stay calm while creating the most beautiful of things. Maybe its the vintage dresses that she rocks like no other, or the amazing hair pieces that look like they were made just for her? It must just be a combination of all of these things that make me smile when I see her, or even as I sit here writing about her. She is rad, and I need not try to explain why. She just is.


I mean look at this amazing baby shower that she threw for her bestie….she made my things look pretty awesome….I must say!


These beautiful pictures were taken by Trista Lerit

Never really knew how I would use the ironing boards that I just had to have 3 of! But what better way than at a baby shower! So cute!


I miss my little monkeys being in clothes this small. Now Bailey (9 years old) asks if she can borrow my clothes. Of course I say yes! I’m stoked that she thinks my clothes are “cool”!


I am beyond thrilled that Angel that found was a part of this precious baby shower! Thanks Angel!




To Create this same look:





